Do you let fear hold you back?
Have you ever wanted to do something really bad but you let fear hold you back? You are not alone! I know soooo many people, including myself, who have been dying to follow a dream or passion (investing, blogging, traveling, business, etc…)but they are too scared of failure to even try.
My point is, I don’t think anyone wants to sit in an office from 9-5 everyday and work towards someone else’s dreams, right? Are you with me? I’m starting right now with this blog and the commitment to become a freelance photographer and online business owner. I am dedicated to creating my DREAM LIFE!
Welcome to my website. Thanks for being a part of my dream to travel and explore without having to punch a time clock, or much more importantly without having to ask for time off! I cannot wait for you to be a part of my adventures! I sincerely hope this inspires you to take an adventure yourself…or even just to follow your own dreams and aspirations. Step outside your comfort zone… don’t wait until you are ready, just go, do it all, and do it passionately…let’s all be adventurers together!
What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail? I’d love to know!
Please follow me on social media and check out the About Me section.
brian eddo says
I’m in!
You are an amazing woman.
Jessie says
In doing just what you are! Starting a blog, stepping out on faith and doing inspired creativity:Sister Jessie’s Blessings Inspired Creativity!
You go !! says
Hey Jessie! Do you have a website??
Kati says
I would come with you! But with my baby and family we are growing, I am content to watch you from afar through your blog😍 Go chase those dreams Coop!🌈✨
Leigh says
You are amazing, CoopCoop. I love watching you (from afar, bummer) chase your dreams! LOVE YOU!
Erin says
I am so excited and proud of you rho ho!!! Love you